Design Thinking

Design Thinking - SCAMPER theory


S -substitute | C- combine | A- alter | M-modify | P-put to use | E- eliminate | R- reverse


SCAMPER was first introduced by Bob Eberle to address targeted questions that help solve problems or ignite creativity during brainstorming. Its an approach to Problem Solving.  I have used it with a product (physical good- Floater footwear)

Object -Floater

Purpose to ease the locomotion and prevent injuries

S - substituted it with plastic bottle and wood box. Basic need is to help  

S - substituted it with plastic bottle and wood box. Basic need is to help


C- comibined it with tulip and creeper inspired strong rubber structure  to make it attractive and useful.A- altered and added thickness in the middle to add more comfort

C- comibined it with tulip and creeper inspired strong rubber structure  to make it attractive and useful.
A- altered and added thickness in the middle to add more comfort


M-modified it with adding elastic
P- put to another use by making it insensce stick stand


E- eliminated the red tag as it hurts and of no use. 
R- reversed it other way by bringing heel in the front.


Situation - Its raining and person is wearing floater

Purpose of protection against adversities of the environment.

S - substituted it with cloth and plastic bag. Basic need is to protect from rain. 

S - substituted it with cloth and plastic bag. Basic need is to protect from rain. 

A- altered and added plastic at back to protect from rain watersM- modified and added hook at back that will help protecting our clothes. The water splashed will be under hook. 

A- altered and added plastic at back to protect from rain waters
M- modified and added hook at back that will help protecting our clothes. The water splashed will be under hook. 

P- Put to another use by using as stamp to create designs.

P- Put to another use by using as stamp to create designs.

E- eliminated the green area.As it was of no use.

E- eliminated the green area.As it was of no use.


Futuristic Floater

Purpose for Fashion as well as innovative non existing design.
Floater have wing and one can fly.

A- Altered and added curves to make it more feminine. 

A- Altered and added curves to make it more feminine. 
